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 Too much talking on TS.

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Too much talking on TS. Empty
PostSubject: Too much talking on TS.   Too much talking on TS. EmptyMon Jun 11, 2012 9:05 am

It was a disadvantage to be on TS last night.

I had to remove my headphones and drive without TS.

You also couldnt use TS to tell someone about your position as you would have had to shout over people.

Time to abolish mandatory TS rule?
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Too much talking on TS. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Too much talking on TS.   Too much talking on TS. EmptyTue Jun 12, 2012 7:34 am

come on lads, yes we have a chat, but please keep it too a minimun, respect for others on the track,

Some ppl cant concentrate with a lot of chit chat and some can, but it gets to a point that when you are trying to let others know that you are on the left or right or watch out, no-one can hear,

So please keep it down and let others have their race, ok i hear some of you say this is fun, YES IT IS, but when it gets to a point that the fun is taken out of a game that is not fair on anybody...


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Too much talking on TS. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Too much talking on TS.   Too much talking on TS. EmptyTue Jun 12, 2012 12:16 pm

One of the reasons why I am here is good banter on teamspeak. Mini Friday on Racedepartment used to be a right laugh throughout the long races (until numbers reduced due to rFactor2, iRacing, and project C.A.R.S.).

However, even I agree that Sebring chat was excessive and we should keep the vast majority of the 'funnies' to practice and the end of the race.

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Too much talking on TS. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Too much talking on TS.   Too much talking on TS. EmptyTue Jun 12, 2012 4:14 pm

I don't think we should abandon teamspeak entirely, but we need to keep chat down during a race. Team speak has always been an important aspect of TR, but this is a tool, and should not be abused.

While it's okay to banter now and then, I must agree with Prod and Marlowe that is was a bit excessive. One of the reasons I say this was because I called to prod that I was on the right on turn one while we were battling for position, he couldn't hear me and I got shoved off into the grass, and prod was not at fault. I really don't mind the chatter too much, but during the race there are people who lose concentration when there is chatter, while others are unable to call positions.
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Too much talking on TS. Empty
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