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 FVR V8 Super Tourers

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arc anjil

arc anjil

Posts : 42
Join date : 2012-03-10
Location : Florida

FVR V8 Super Tourers Empty
PostSubject: FVR V8 Super Tourers   FVR V8 Super Tourers EmptyWed Jul 11, 2012 3:18 am

NoGrip now has FVR's V8 Super Tourer mod available. They look good and drive nice. I found it easier than the Super V8s. With locked differentials and gearing, setup is fairly quick and makes for little guesswork.

The tracks used IRL are:

Hampton Downs (can't find for R07 yet)
Taupo (can't find yet)

I've never been a fan of Manfield or Ruapuna, but there are other Aussie/Kiwi tracks available (Townsville, Phillip Island, Sandown, and of course, Bathurst come quickly to mind). Using Redline Sim Racers track pack would make it easy for all interested parties to get the tracks in one fell swoop.

No word yet on skinable templates.

A small, quick series with these cars might be fun. Say 4 tracks, 20 laps, pit if you need to, no weight penalties, open server (can be PW'd if things don't work out with the public, of course - but it might interest a number of people).
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