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 Twisted Racing External Racing

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Twisted Racing External Racing Empty
PostSubject: Twisted Racing External Racing   Twisted Racing External Racing EmptyWed Jul 11, 2012 4:47 am

As you are aware nimbers are low atm,
So we in intending to race as a team in external races,,

So for those that is interested please check out the site for any races you would like to race in,

C-Online This a a freindly enviroment with a few leagues that they run,
They do like you to post to say HI 1st and then you can join a few races/leagues

100 MBIT Racing As above

Race Department Ok this is the biggest site for Sim Racing.
To race with RD you do require to have a Lisense, and before you can race any leagues you are required to race in the club races, For those that have multi sim games this is ideal...

SRP These host various platform sims, and also require you to apply for a lisense...

For the site that require you to hold a lisense is only to make sure that you are not a wrecker,,
Alos if you do intend to race else where can you also post on TR Forum so we can see where ppl are racing and invite members with you if they are free to race.. This is a team effort, and a good way to get TR known,,
Also with writing all info down on TR Forum we can arrange endurance and other races around the days you are not racing external races,,,,,

Please enjoy yourselfs and remember that when you race you are racing with Twisted Racing and we want to keep the clean races we have been having...

Thanx Andy

PS: (Please ammend if needed by admins)
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arc anjil

arc anjil

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Twisted Racing External Racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twisted Racing External Racing   Twisted Racing External Racing EmptyWed Jul 11, 2012 7:55 am

That's a bummer. I've been looking for a non-Touring Car group for years. I'm a forum member of 100Mbit and C-Online, but they and RD are pretty much TC groups (I've raced a few series with 100Mbit). SRP did run an IFM series last year but they require you to use a (I found) kludgy Team Manager program. It told me I was logged in but that I had to log in (?????). I found it so unnecessary .

I know R07 is the official WTCC game, but I got EVO first and only got R07 because there was a picture of a Formula car on the cover. RaceRoom portal used to have The List where you could search for a group and what they did, but it was not very well tracked and now they're not going to continue it.

I guess I'm just too far out of the mainstream (story of my life!). TC's and I do not get along. I ran a series of them in '09 with SimHookUp. I hated it. I just can't drive those cars (many would say I can't drive any of the Simbin cars, LOL! But I try).

I would think that an advertised open server ("come one, come all") with simple rules (no required TS, PW, weight penalties, forced pit stops, etc.) on Friday nights (or Saturday, etc) might be of interest to many. Advertise a different track and car each week (say at RaceRoom, etc.) and see what happens.

I don't know, really. I've been trying to get a World Series of GT Pro cars going for years, and another with the FRR or some other open wheeler (my favorite car), and I got nothing, zip, nada.
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Twisted Racing External Racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twisted Racing External Racing   Twisted Racing External Racing EmptyWed Jul 11, 2012 3:26 pm

Thanks Andy for the info.

@ Arc Anjil
This is temporary until we can get numbers up for our league racing, The last 2 races had a dismal turn up and this is why we have decided to go this route, for now. This is in no way an end to Twisted Racing.
While I agree with you that TC does get a bit much, but it is the mainstream of race 07.
PS: I think you're a pretty good driver in TC, haven't raced with you in a while though Smile
PPS: Good idea, we don't see any TR servers up, and no servers means no new interest in TR. So I think we should perhaps do what we did before we started our first league, and that's get together and decide on a car and track to race on a server once a week.

I'm still very keen to do a 2 hour endurance race though!
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arc anjil

arc anjil

Posts : 42
Join date : 2012-03-10
Location : Florida

Twisted Racing External Racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Twisted Racing External Racing   Twisted Racing External Racing EmptySat Jul 14, 2012 1:56 am

Glad to hear that.

I didn't think I would be able to make most of the GT Sport races, so I did not sign up - and as it turned out, I was right (for once....). It's still kind of hit or miss these days, but I'd sure like to get back into some racing. Although, I do have to admit, I much prefer the GT Pros to the Sports, but I'll take thr Sports over the Clubs any day, unless the Mustang GTR is include in the Clubs. I guess I'm just not much of a fan of Simbin's cars - I'm more into mods.

I have never liked TC's. I just can't get a handle on racing a FWD car. And the BMW just seems to have weird gearing. There are mods with 5 forward gears that don't seem....strange. I don't know what it is.

I still do think that a heavily advertised and properly promoted series, any series, would attract a crowd, even if just out of curiosity. You know how it is in advertising: you're doing good if you get 10 responses from 100 flyers.

I'll keep watch on the forum and see if the Rouen race will eventually be run and I'll do my best to be there. Sebring (2 hours drive from my house) is my fave track and I'm really sorry I missed that.
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