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 Invitation: Sunday 9th Sept WTCC vs Cat200 @ 75Nordshelife.

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2 posters

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Join date : 2011-12-20

Invitation: Sunday 9th Sept WTCC vs Cat200 @ 75Nordshelife. Empty
PostSubject: Invitation: Sunday 9th Sept WTCC vs Cat200 @ 75Nordshelife.   Invitation: Sunday 9th Sept WTCC vs Cat200 @ 75Nordshelife. EmptyMon Sep 03, 2012 8:16 am

This will be hosted by me over at 100Mbit and will not have a password.

Me and Dave2 have signed up over at 100Mbit but you don't need to unless you want to sign up.

Here is what I wrote over at 100mbitracing forum:

September's Green Hell is WTCC vs Caterham 200 at 75Nordshelife on Sunday 9th September.

Invitation: Sunday 9th Sept WTCC vs Cat200 @ 75Nordshelife. Old-nurburgring

You can download 75Nordshelife here:
or here

Laps = I suggest four laps but we could do three if people prefer.
A good lap is 9 minutes. An alien lap would be about eight and a half.

Practice will be 5PM London time (6PM Berlin time) and will last for two hours.

Qually will be 7pm London time (8PM Berlin time) and will last 20 minutes.

Practice and qually for non UK countries:
Paris, Madrid, Amsterdam, Warsaw, Rome, Brussels, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Oslo and Johannesburg are all one hour ahead London.
Helsinki, Sofia, Bucharest, Istanbul, and Athens are all two hours ahead of London.
Moscow is three hours ahead of London.
New York is five hours behind London.

For other countries use this:

Signed up so far:
Eric Stranne
EAO Hector
Old Oil Rag
Felix Naumann
Dave 2

Drivers Briefing:
This is an open event. Bring your friends from other communities. There is no password.
SKIDROWS will be ejected if they join.
Banned drivers will not be able to join.  
Any driver kicked by a signed up driver will be ejected without question by admin.
If there is an incident then please wait for a driver if it's more than 51% your fault even if they are not signed up. This is a fun event so don't worry about loosing time.
f there is a wrecker on lap one then the race will be restarted.

If there is a wrecker on lap two onwards then I will park my car and switch to admin console to kick. I will loose 45 to 90 seconds if I have to do this as my PC is slow to switch between game and desktop.

The Circuit:
The track is narrow and has less grip.
The kerbs are much steeper and in places unusable.
In many places there are no kerbs in 1975 where there are kerbs now.
(kerb is UK for USA curb).
There are no gravel traps.
Some of the trees are different.
Some of the hills are steeper.
In 1975 there are bushes close to the track where there are none now.
The pits are in a different place (they are where the modern GP circuit pits are - see map).
Therefore there is an extra bit of track that makes the lap time a minute longer.
You turn left under the bridge at the end of the long straight.
The fist chicane is the same but as soon as you come out of it you need to brake down to first gear as the next chicane is very tight indeed.
On the modern Nords you would now turn right but in 1975 you carry on.
See map at the top.
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arc anjil

arc anjil

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Location : Florida

Invitation: Sunday 9th Sept WTCC vs Cat200 @ 75Nordshelife. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Invitation: Sunday 9th Sept WTCC vs Cat200 @ 75Nordshelife.   Invitation: Sunday 9th Sept WTCC vs Cat200 @ 75Nordshelife. EmptyThu Sep 06, 2012 6:47 am

Kinda' interested in this as there just is nothing going on in open servers or any league/club/group I know of.

So I DL'd the track and ran a bit with the Caterham. One problem: my radiator is open 100% and I'm overheating - XD says it's reaching 115 degrees C and going red. One "problem" with RACE 07 is that you can't see when you start blowing steam out the back of your car, but others can and it can be a real problem for them. I assume it happens when you temp goes red.

Just FYI. Looks like it'll be a fun one-off race. I'll do some more testing and then probably sign up at 100MBit.
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Invitation: Sunday 9th Sept WTCC vs Cat200 @ 75Nordshelife. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Invitation: Sunday 9th Sept WTCC vs Cat200 @ 75Nordshelife.   Invitation: Sunday 9th Sept WTCC vs Cat200 @ 75Nordshelife. EmptyThu Sep 06, 2012 7:36 pm

If you turn up your special effects to maximum or the setting before maximum (High?) then you can see the steam when you press your assigned button for look behind. I am not sure about the real or virtual mirror.

I can turn the track and ambient temperature down if you like. I had no such problem but I did not red line the Caterham 200 (changed up on yellow or earlier for better traction at the expense of power).

My best time in WTCC is 9:02. Others are doing 8:37 and 8:35. In Caterham 200 I am doing 9:14.
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arc anjil

arc anjil

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Join date : 2012-03-10
Location : Florida

Invitation: Sunday 9th Sept WTCC vs Cat200 @ 75Nordshelife. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Invitation: Sunday 9th Sept WTCC vs Cat200 @ 75Nordshelife.   Invitation: Sunday 9th Sept WTCC vs Cat200 @ 75Nordshelife. EmptyThu Sep 06, 2012 11:37 pm

My SF is at High. Strange I've never seen the steam out of the back of my car. But anyway, XD is tellimg me my radiator temp is hitting 115 C. Not that I mind, whatever.

If the Caterham can't keep up with the TC's, why not go to the 260?
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Invitation: Sunday 9th Sept WTCC vs Cat200 @ 75Nordshelife. Empty
PostSubject: Cat 260s at 75Norschliefe   Invitation: Sunday 9th Sept WTCC vs Cat200 @ 75Nordshelife. EmptyFri Sep 21, 2012 12:18 pm

Race one was about 12 cars i think. Race 2 was just three of us all in Cat 260s at dusk.

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Invitation: Sunday 9th Sept WTCC vs Cat200 @ 75Nordshelife. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Invitation: Sunday 9th Sept WTCC vs Cat200 @ 75Nordshelife.   Invitation: Sunday 9th Sept WTCC vs Cat200 @ 75Nordshelife. Empty

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Invitation: Sunday 9th Sept WTCC vs Cat200 @ 75Nordshelife.
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