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 Olympics Biathlon race Sunday 12th August.

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Posts : 144
Join date : 2011-12-20

Olympics Biathlon race Sunday 12th August. Empty
PostSubject: Olympics Biathlon race Sunday 12th August.   Olympics Biathlon race Sunday 12th August. EmptySun Aug 12, 2012 1:09 pm

Race 1
Practice: 60 Mins starting at 7PM BST (6PM GMT, 8PM CET) Sunday 12th August.
If you are going to drive both cars then you must do all of your setup work in this session for both cars.
Qually: Superpole
Race: 10 laps

Server will then be restarted thus:
Practice: 10 mins (to give everyone time to rejoin)
Qually: Superpole
Race: 10 laps.
10 laps

Individual Medals:
1st ,2nd, 3rd: Gold, silver, bronze (virtual).

I will make a note of each drivers country flag. The top WTCC and the top Caterham for each country will score the points awarded by the game.

If a country only has one driver his score will be multiplied by 1.5 if he is in WTCC and double if he is in Caterham.
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Olympics Biathlon race Sunday 12th August.
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