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 Stock cars and tracks Vs Mod cars and tracks

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5 posters

Stock or Mods
Stock cars and Tracks
Stock cars and tracks Vs Mod cars and tracks Vote_lcap75%Stock cars and tracks Vs Mod cars and tracks Vote_rcap
 75% [ 3 ]
Mod Cars and Tracks
Stock cars and tracks Vs Mod cars and tracks Vote_lcap25%Stock cars and tracks Vs Mod cars and tracks Vote_rcap
 25% [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 4
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Age : 50
Location : Lincs, UK

Stock cars and tracks Vs Mod cars and tracks Empty
PostSubject: Stock cars and tracks Vs Mod cars and tracks   Stock cars and tracks Vs Mod cars and tracks EmptySat Dec 17, 2011 1:05 am

If we are trying to get our name across to other servers and hope to recruit more drivers/racers, Is it a good idea to use Mods than to use the Stock content????

Please vote for either Stock or Mod
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Age : 39
Location : Swansea Wales

Stock cars and tracks Vs Mod cars and tracks Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stock cars and tracks Vs Mod cars and tracks   Stock cars and tracks Vs Mod cars and tracks EmptySat Dec 17, 2011 1:08 am

I voted for stock cars, I think we can access a bigger number of players, more accessible to pubbies etc.

It could also help us get better with cars used in existing leagues.
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Age : 50
Location : Lincs, UK

Stock cars and tracks Vs Mod cars and tracks Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stock cars and tracks Vs Mod cars and tracks   Stock cars and tracks Vs Mod cars and tracks EmptySat Dec 17, 2011 1:11 am

I vote for Stock Content due to the fact we are a new team and would love to get the community to get involved with what we are trying to do...
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Eric James
Eric James

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Stock cars and tracks Vs Mod cars and tracks Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stock cars and tracks Vs Mod cars and tracks   Stock cars and tracks Vs Mod cars and tracks EmptySat Dec 17, 2011 9:44 am

I vote for mods, because i dont want to loose GT500
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Age : 48
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Stock cars and tracks Vs Mod cars and tracks Empty
PostSubject: Re: Stock cars and tracks Vs Mod cars and tracks   Stock cars and tracks Vs Mod cars and tracks EmptyMon Dec 19, 2011 11:07 pm

I'm all for mod cars and/or tracks, but at this early stage, we need to attract people with stock content.
Ideally we should have one server of each, one to attract people, and another for a championship when we get to that point
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Stock cars and tracks Vs Mod cars and tracks Empty
PostSubject: To start out all Stock,but   Stock cars and tracks Vs Mod cars and tracks EmptyMon Dec 26, 2011 1:53 pm

To start out all Stock,but

We can set up a servers for us old timer's for anything once a week....................

But to get everything up and running we need to start out all stock so it's ezer for the new member's to race with us.

At least the 1st year.It's going to take some time for all this to take place.If we all are going to really try and get enough driver to race in a champinship...................We need many many driver so when we race each week with a larger field of driver.
So if we get 50 drivers and only 10% of them will show up each week we can still have 10 in a race..............
Plus us so that will make 10 to 15 in a race.................

So we all need to get out and get drivers in team speak 3 so we can talk to them and see what,who,were and when.................

So when you have a few min's to play around take the time to get more members in community gamers c ya so we can then get them in team speak 3 to talk about how all this is going to go down..............We can use CG C YA to get member count up and use it for announmentand and to post a schedule.

We have over 4,000,000 member's in steam. We can use steam to get more member's faster then just letting the web come to use.

Then if we use team speak 3 for all meeting it's a lot faster to get all this going. Insted of everyone typing and having to take the time to go thur all the pages of the forum to find out whats going on.

We all need to all sign in to team speak 3 and start to hang out, so when new members come around then they can find out what's going on.
Talking to a voice is a lot better then just typing on a fourm.

I can't be in T3 24/7, but if we all take part in this and really are going to get this rolling we yes we need to all work together.......................

There is no I in team, remember that.....................................

Please don't take any of this the wrong way I'm just trying to get the ball rolling down hill not up
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