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 rFactor 2 vs Project CARS

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PostSubject: rFactor 2 vs Project CARS   rFactor 2 vs Project CARS EmptyFri Feb 03, 2012 4:24 am

Check this video out:

From my POV, so far rFactor 2 runs very well, and handling is excellent. It does take a lot of time to get used to the tire physics, but this has added a whole new dimension to the realistic effects. So far Force feedback feels great on my old Momo. Graphically it's not that great, and seems to still be using DX9, but this is something they are working on in the final stages of dev. The interface has changed a bit, but not much compared to rFactor, but it's probably more for the familiarity of the game. The incar sound is great, but replays, not so great, and the spotter is barely audible, so I hope they are also working on the sound.

Project cars does look very good, warning, this game may not run on older machines, but I see they now have set it so you can run the game in DX11, or otherwise (not sure if DX10 or DX9). But still, I had to ramp down the settings on my machine, So maybe Prod could benchmark on his beast. The interface seems a bit clumsy to me, so I really hope they work on this. And the physics seem OK, but there is something not quite right, I haven't had much time to play around on this game, so maybe I'll figure it out some time. So far there are no race customization options, so you can't setup a race weekend where there will be multiple sessions (practice, quali, race). Maybe I just haven't found thos options yet, like I said, interface feels clumsy. I'll need more time before I give a verdict.

The video also mentions iRacing, maybe sometime I'll check this out too.

Last edited by Munchk1n on Sun Jul 08, 2012 8:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
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rFactor 2 vs Project CARS Empty
PostSubject: Re: rFactor 2 vs Project CARS   rFactor 2 vs Project CARS EmptyFri Feb 03, 2012 7:19 pm

Munchk1n wrote:

The video also mentions iRacing, maybe sometime I'll check this out too.

You really should do that mate, it's awesome!! Very Happy
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rFactor 2 vs Project CARS Empty
PostSubject: Re: rFactor 2 vs Project CARS   rFactor 2 vs Project CARS EmptyFri Feb 03, 2012 11:23 pm

iRacing has caught my attention a few times lately, seems to have a very good competition platfrom. iRacing 2.0 is now out/beta (not sure). But first i think I may have to buy rFactor2 lifetime. Too good of a deal to miss out on?
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rFactor 2 vs Project CARS Empty
PostSubject: Re: rFactor 2 vs Project CARS   rFactor 2 vs Project CARS EmptySat Feb 04, 2012 12:48 am

pCars does supports DX11 & DX9 and iRacing 2.0 come out August last year, if you love the feeling of having to warm up tyres first and having that feeling of tyres going off in a race then you show of tried NetKar Pro, so for me they one to watch out for this year as just got to be Assetto Corsa this again will be DX11 and if they have put as much effect in to this like they did with NetKar Pro this will be a clear winner.

rFactor 2 vs Project CARS 41869211[/img]
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rFactor 2 vs Project CARS Empty
PostSubject: Re: rFactor 2 vs Project CARS   rFactor 2 vs Project CARS EmptySat Feb 04, 2012 1:11 am

IMO you have to try rFactor 2 at least once.
If you don't like it, get a refund, simple.
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rFactor 2 vs Project CARS Empty
PostSubject: Project CARS Update   rFactor 2 vs Project CARS EmptySun Jul 08, 2012 9:13 pm

Hi All

I loaded v0226 of pCARS an I'm quite impressed. It is looking fantastic even with graphical settings ramped down a bit to improve frame rates and the cars feel great, they need to work on force feedback IMO but the realism feels good. The interface has improved, but still needs much attention. There is telemetry so you can now track you tire temps, spring movements , ride hides and G-forces on both tires and chasis while riding. If things carry on like this, it could be a great sim, watch this space.

As for rFactor 2, I don't think it will be up there. So perhaps we'll have to watch out GTR 3 and pCARS going forward.

Still no multiplayer, but there are time trial events you can participate in. I'm sure when they are closer to beta phace, they will add multiplayer.

I'm glad this title has deviated from arcade racing. But I think that was the initial objective of pCARS
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